I attended a FitTech Meetup organized by Burda Bootcamp and FitTech Pro on 9th May in Freeletics HQ. They started with a casual networking. Free flow of healthy snack and drink. There were four speakers presenting their latest products or project.
1. Nathalie Sonne - LeAD Sports Accelerator It is founded by the grandchildren of Adidas founder Adi Dassler. They are the first sports accelerator in Germany and one of the 1st movers globally. They help startups with outstanding ideas and pave the way to the best playing fields in the sports business.
2. Alexander Battisti - Freeletics Freeletics is the international well-known fitness app which provides tailor-made workout and nutrition advice. "Automatic generation of training plans based on a probabilistic user model". He explained how to generate training plans for Freeletics Coach and provide us with technical insights.
3. Kay Rathschlag - ANTELOPE "ANTELOPE - merging sports apparel and technology" Antelope makes smart sports apparel which is the most effective and time-efficient full body workout product. It covers all major muscle groups with muscle electrostimulation. It is ideal for both strength and endurance athletes as well as everyone who wants to get (back) in shape with EMS fitness training.
4. Giorgi Khubua - Solos Giorgi is a 22-year old student at the TUM. Together with his team, he developed "Solos SmartMirror" which is an intelligent mirror that detects and analyzes every movement without any sensors on the body. There is a virtual trainer on the mirror and show you the exercises.
It was a really fantastic meetup where we can meet other fitness professionals. I was surprised by the cutting-edge fitness technology. It's just like science fiction movie comes true in the real world. People won't have any more excuses not to do exercise. As they can do it with the app (Freeletics), virtual coaching mirror, etc. Effectively reduce traveling time and budget. It's glad that we are now in a new fitness generation.
我參加了5月9日由Burda Bootcamp和FitTech Pro在Freeletics HQ組織的FitTech Meetup。一開始先有健康零食和飲料讓大家互相交流,建立人際網絡。之後有四位演講者介紹了他們最新的產品或項目。
1. Nathalie Sonne - LeAD Sports Accelerator 它由Adidas創始人Adi Dassler的孫子創立。他們是德國第一個運動行業加速器,也是全球第一大推動者之一。他們為創業公司提供了出色的創意,並為健立體育業務良好競爭環境鋪路。
2. Alexander Battisti - Freeletics Freeletics是國際知名的健身應用程序,提供度身訂造的訓練計劃和營養諮詢。“基於概率用戶模型,自動生產運動訓練計劃”。他解釋瞭如何為Freeletics 教練制定培訓計劃,並提供技術見解。
3. Kay Rathschlag - ANTELOPE “ANTELOPE - 合併運動服裝與科技” ANTELOPE使智能運動服裝成為最有效和最有效率的全身訓練產品。它用“肌肉電流刺激(EMS)”覆蓋所有主要肌肉群。適合力量和耐力運動員,以及想要通過EMS健身訓練而重獲健美身型的人。
4. Giorgi Khubua - Solos Giorgi是TUM的一名22歲的學生。與他的團隊一起開發了“Solos SmartMirror”,它是一種智能鏡,可以檢測和分析每個動作,而不需要身體上安裝設備。在鏡子上有一個虛擬教練,並向您展示動作。